One of the most hotly contested issues in breast augmentation is the best incision for performing the procedure. There are three commonly used breast augmentation incisions, and although some breast surgeons use all three, many of them are staunch advocates of one or the other. Even breast surgeons in the same practice may fight years-long running battles about this issue. Some studies show that there is no difference in risk among the different incisions, but at least one study shows that the periareolar incision may be associated with an increased risk of capsular contracture. In a 2008 study, a plastic surgeon looked at a review of breast augmentations performed from 2004 to 2006 and compared incision site with the incidence of capsular contracture. The surgeon noted that although breast augmentations performed via the inframammary incision had only a 0.59% incidence of capsular contracture, the periareolar incision had a 9.5% incidence of the complication, a statistically significant increase. Although this seems a convincing difference, it’s important to remember that this is only one surgeon’s experience, and likely the experience of a surgeon who prefers the inframammary incision and therefore may be less experienced with the periareolar incision. When you are considering breast augmentation incisions, it’s important to talk to your breast surgeon about his experience with the different options and which one he might recommend in your case. To talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon in Philadelphia about your breast augmentation options, please contact Dr. David A. Bottger today for an appointment.