Breast augmentation incision is one of the options women have for customizing their procedure. The three incisions allow women and their surgeons to select the most concealing location for incisions and resulting scars. Some surgeons have expressed concern that the periareolar incision, in particular, may be associated with increased risk of certain complications. In the past, research associated the periareolar incision with breastfeeding difficulty, and a recent (2008) study associated it with a significantly increased risk of capsular contracture (9.5% compared with only 0.59% for inframammary). New research suggests, though, that all breast augmentation incisions are associated with the same low risk for most complications. According to an article published in the journal Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, there is no statistical difference in complication rates between the inframammary, periareolar, or axillary incisions. In a retrospective review of the records of 619 patients, researchers found that the highest rates of reoperation were associated with the inframammary incision. However, reoperations were not related to the five complications they looked at (capsular contracture, hematoma formation, rippling, infection, and rupture). Instead, reoperation was mostly associated with patient desire for size/style change, asymmetric results, or sagging. This review suggests that patients should not worry about complication rates when selecting a breast augmentation incision. Instead, they should find a board-certified plastic surgeon they can trust and listen to his recommendations about the best incision site. If you are looking for a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform breast augmentation in Philadelphia, please contact Dr. David A. Bottger for a consultation.